Sunday, June 28, 2009

Swim Lessons!

Ava is done with swim lessons, for the second year! She had just turned one when we took them last year, and could do so much more this year. We signed up through the Chico Area Recreation District with a girlfriend of mine that has a 9 month old, Samantha (or Baby Mantha as Ava says). Ava really liked going to the pool this year and was picking up on the techniques. Most of the time she just wanted to play on the steps on the pool though. They taught us a lot of really cute songs to sing in the pool, and Ava likes to sing them in the bathtub too. Doesn't she look like her daddy in the picture above?

They were 12 kids signed up for lessons...they were all so cute!

Ava kicking, and splashing everywhere.

They told us to throw a toy out of arm's reach to get them to use their arms more...this was Ava trying to grab the fish that looked like Nemo.

I had to include this picture with Aly...texting like always. :) Good thing my sister and brother-in-law pay for unlimited texts!

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