Friday, March 6, 2009

We're back!

I know it's been so long since I've posted an update! I've become addicted to facebook and have neglected our family blog...Well, I'm back now, and I vow to take more pictures- I haven't been very good about that lately either. Anyway, we've been having fun living life and watching Ava grow.
Ava update: She will be 2 in 2 months and I cannot believe it! She is really into Elmo, so we're thinking of having an Elmo birthday party. She is talking up a storm and has become the resident mocking bird. She amazes us everyday with new things (words, gestures, expressions, etc.). She loves to sing songs, or rather, have me sing them to her. Every night when I put her to bed, I have to go through the usual line-up of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Rock-A-Bye Baby, the ABCs, and we even sing Happy Birthday to almost every single family member. She has just started this "phase" where she takes her socks and shoes off EVERY single time we get in the car, no matter how far we have to go. She's becoming very independent and has started to try and dress herself in the mornings. She is getting pretty good, but still needs help with getting her shirts over her head. She still never ceases to amaze us or make us laugh everyday!
I have completed two 5K runs in the last couple of months and just signed up for the random lottery to see if I get picked to run in the Nike Women's Half Marathon in SF in October...yikes! What was I thinking? Mark and Ava came to both of my runs to cheer me on-Mark is very supportive and taught Ava to yell "Go Mama Go!".
We have lots of fun things planned for the upcoming months and I will be better about taking pictures so I can share them with everyone. We hope everyone is doing well!

Ava playing on the swings while I was running at the Almond Blossom 5K

Starting line at the Almond Blossom in Durham.

Finish line- I don't know what I placed, but I did finish 2 minutes faster than my previous run

Our friend, Matty, after he crossed the finish line... Medic? Medic?

With our friends Jason and Matty

Here are some random pics I've taken over the last couple of months...

One of our family friends, Jodi, was doing a scrapbook layout for a project and needed a picture of Ava with her shoes...She has a little shoe obsession--dontchathink?

Hello? Mama?
Playing at Omi's in the Grocery Store
Aly turned 14!! OMG - I feel old! Ava absolutely loves Aly and talks about her all the time...

Ava's first pedicure, compliments of mommy. Not the best paint job, but you try painting a 22 month old's toes!!

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