Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kite Day

Every year, Chico has its annual 'Kite Day'. We never used to go before we had Ava, but we've gone two years in a row now. It was super windy that day and nearly impossible to fly a kite. I let Ava pick her kite out and she wanted a Barbie kite. I didn't think she even knew who Barbie was, but what do I know?? We got Barbie up in the air for awhile, but the wind was so strong, the kite kept doing nose-dives into the ground. People were dodging kites left and right. Ava thought it was neat for a few mintues, then wanted to move on. They have a playground and she was much more interested in going down the slides and playing on the swings. We had a good time, but I hope next year isn't so windy.

Going to explore with Opa.

I found her hat in her diaper bag-she actually wore it, which is surprising!

Mark, flying the Barbie kite :) What a good Dad!

Barbie, two minutes before she came crashing down.

Omi and Ava, trying not to blow away.

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