Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We're Back!!

Wow! Has it been over a year since I've posted anything!! Here are some pictures from the last couple of months.

Easter 2010

Walking home

Chubby cheeks!

Our 3 year old!

Happy Birthday!

Time certainly does fly. I have been "addicted" to Facebook and have neglected this family blog. I realized, many of our family and friends don't have Facebook, so I've decided to start back up with the blog. While Facebook is nice, this blog allows us to tell "our story" and show many pictures of our daily adventures. Plus, Ava likes looking at it, so I figured I should keep it up to date.

Since it's been so long, I will have to catch up. Ava turned 3 in May and we celebrated by taking a trip to Disneyland, just the 3 of us. She absolutely loved it and enjoyed meeting the princesses. She started taking ballet last fall and loved it, she continues to take dance class at a local studio and is not afraid to break into some moves in the middle of the grocery store! Ava has also made a lot of friends through playgroups, child care, and through other friends. We are always on the move, going to birthday parties, BBQs, and get-togethers. This fall, we are planning trips to the pumpkin patch, Apple Hill, Portland, OR, and lots of playtime!

Mark is still working at CSU, Chico in Facilities Management. He was certainly lucky to be part of the only union that did not elect to take furloughs (knock on wood!!!). His co-workers are great, and he loves his job. This week (Sept. 8th-11th) is quite possibly Mark's favorite week of the year. Gold Cup (sprint cars) starts on Wed. and there are races every night through Sat. I usually go one night, but I might pass this year to take Ava on a weekend "girls" trip.

I'm in my third year of selling real estate. I am really enjoying working for my broker and I have met some great clients!!! I help both buyers and sellers, and it seems my business is evenly split between the two. I had a great year last year and am working towards my goal of beating last year's sales. The market is tough and challenging, but I am just trying to stay busy as best I can. I am also involved as the Treasurer for the NorCal chapter of Women's Council of Realtors. I have met many people I wouldn't have otherwise, and am learning a lot.

All in all, we are healthy and happy and looking forward to our next adventure.

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