Wow! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone! I swear, it seems like just yesterday that we were in the hospital welcoming Baby Girl #2 to the family! It has been a fun, chaotic, memorable time getting to know Megan and introducing her to our family and friends. Ava has proven to be such a wonderful big sister and definitely loves her little 'Meggy'. :)
When I brought Ava home from the hospital, I remember thinking that I did not know if it was possible to love more than one child at a time. How do you spread your time evenly with two kids? Well, I know now, it definitely is possible to love two kids at the same time. It's amazing how much your heart expands to allow you to do that. I also am finding out, it's nearly impossible, at least in the beginning, to spread your time evenly between two children. That seems to be my biggest challenge. I am constantly trying to find ways to spend time with Ava, alone, and to make sure she doesn't feel left out. All the while, trying to feed a new baby and soothe the baby when she cries. There just aren't enough hours in the day. When I was pregnant, a friend told me to make sure when the baby was born that I didn't "shoosh" Ava all the time when the baby was sleeping. That was probably the best advice I've been given so far. Understanding that Ava is still a healthy 4-year old and knowing that she is still going to be loud and energetic is key. Megan has learned to sleep through a lot of the noise. There have been times, however, when the noise is a bit much, and Miss Megan gets woken up by the sounds of Big Sister, or the dog barking at the neighbors...again. I'm learning to take a deep breath and just laugh about it--this is our life hectic as it may be. :)
In the past month we have learned so much about Megan (aka: Meg, Megs, Meggy, Meggy-Moo, Miss Magoo #2). She likes to eat. A lot. LOL She usually sleeps between feedings, but in the last couple of days, she has been more alert for longer periods of time. She likes the pacifier, but only on her terms. Don't try to force it! :) When she's upset, she likes Ava to sing to her. Megan sleeps in the basinet next to our bed and is always making squeaking and grunting noises. I don't mind at all, because as moms of newborns know, you're always checking to make sure they are breathing, that they didn't spit up, etc. With all the noise-making going on, I usually know things are fine. It doesn't stop me from checking on her everytime I rollover though. :) When I first put Megan down for the night, she'll usually sleep about 4-5 hours (ahhhh...heaven), then she'll wake up every 2 or 3 hours after that. Not too bad. She loves the Boppy pillow and occassionally likes the swing. She's happiest when someone is holding her-of course! Megan loves to take naps on Mommy or Daddy's chest--he favorite place to be. She would sleep forever there if we let her.
Megan's had a few baths and really likes the water. It's when she gets out that she starts fussing. And if Mommy takes too long to get her dried off and'll hear about it!
For the most part, Megan is a very mellow baby and we are so in love with her. It makes me have more respect for Ava as well. Ava is handling this whole 'baby thing' so well and I don't think she gets enough credit. It's got to be hard for any 4 year old who was the center of attention to get their whole world turned upside-down. In an instant, Ava grew up. But she'll always be my baby. :)
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