Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Turtle Bay

We went to Turtle Bay, in Redding the other weekend. It's only about 1 hour away and it's a neat "adventure center". We went to the aviary to check out the birds, which Ava loved! She wanted to hold them and kept trying to grab them by the neck! We also went into the area where they keep all of the butterflies, but there wasn't enough action for Ava--she wanted to keep moving. They are currently having an exibit called 'Bodies Revealed'-so cool! There were actual preserved bodies that showcased the different systems in the human body (circulatory, digestive, muscular, etc.). Cameras weren't allowed, so I don't have any pictures. It was really amazing though.

Ava pointing at one of the birds before she tried to reach for it!

Can you see the mischievous look in her eyes?

Ava talking to the fish. She can say "fish", but usually it's referring to the goldfish snacks that she likes.

Ava doing a little dance in one of the tee-pees. She would push one of those buttons behind her and music would start playing. She cracks us up!

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