Can you see the mischievous look in her eyes?
Ava talking to the fish. She can say "fish", but usually it's referring to the goldfish snacks that she likes.
Mark.Heather.Ava.Megan.Lucy the Dog
Can you see the mischievous look in her eyes?
Ava talking to the fish. She can say "fish", but usually it's referring to the goldfish snacks that she likes.
Ava's first time on a boat! She loved it-she seemed to be relaxed by the noise and it almost put her to sleep.
Ava and Emma hanging out at the lake. This was Emma's chair and Ava loved it. Emma has a little brother and sister (twins) that are Ava's age, so she's really good with Ava.
Mark and Ava getting ready for a bike ride through the park. If anyone is looking for a bike seat-get this one! It sits in the front so they can see everything. Ava absolutely loves it! We've been on so many bike rides since we got this seat.
Ava, with her helmet, ready to go!