Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We have a walker!!

Ava is walking!! She started really walking over the weekend and has almost given up on crawling. Mark bought her pink vans (s0 cute!) this weekend and he swears the shoes helped! She is so proud of herself when she walks--she smiles so big. She holds her arms out in front of her, Mark says she looks like baby Frankenstein. I keep thinking she can't possibly get into anymore than she already does now that she's walking...right? I think I have a lot to learn--after I videotaped her walking around the house I turned around for 2 seconds (literally) to plug my camera in...I turned back around and Ava had climbed up on our dog, Lucy, and was straddling her like a horse! She was laughing and kicking her legs! I would've grabbed my camera to take a picture (it was pretty hilarious), but I was afraid Lucy was going to stand up with Ava on her back and take her for a wild ride. I think we're all going to learn a lot over the next couple of months.

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