Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Chico Airshow

We went to the Airshow on Saturday at the Chico Airport--yes, Chico has its own airport! It's kind of like that television show 'Wings'. I used to fly out of it all the time when I worked for United. The same person would check you in at the ticket counter, walk over to security and check your i.d. again, then go outside to direct the plane in from landing, and load your bags onto the plane for take-off. It's pretty funny, but there was a huge turnout for the airshow. I think the temperature was still in the mid 90s, so it was super hot out on the asphalt. We hung in there for a few hours-Ava did really well and liked watching the planes fly by.
By the time we got there, planes were already flying back and forth and doing their stunts. Some of them made me super nervous-- I felt like I was going to be on one of those "Good Times Gone Bad" tv shows.

They actually got this plane of the ground-it's amazing that a plane this big can fly through the air and even do some tricks too!

Ava waving at one of the planes flying in the air. This was one of the only spots of shade-we were under the wing of a plane they had on display. We camped out there for awhile, but had to keep moving to see more stuff...

Ava with Opa....Going, Going...

Gone!...Wiped out from the excitement and the heat. I think it took her all of two minutes to fall sound asleep when we got in the car.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall Fun

I'm making a promise to update our blog more often...I swear! Here are a few pictures we have taken over the last several weeks. We've been really busy going to different fall festivals , taking bike rides in the park, and hanging out with the fam. Ava is learning so much everyday and she's starting to repeat a bunch of words-we have to be careful of what we say now! She still loves being outside, playing with her Opa (Mark's dad), and getting into trouble!!
We went to the Durham Harvest Festival and Ava rode a pony-the pony's name was Annie Oakley. She didn't know what to think at first, but she got used to it and ended up letting go of my hand to hold on by herself.

Ava enjoying Annie Oakley.

Aunt Jenny was feeding Ava a push-up...I think she liked it! What a goofball!

Macy and Ava--Macy gave this purse and hat to Ava, Ava loves to wear them all the time!

Ava loves putting my shoes on, it doesn't matter which pair. She is so proud of herself when she gets them on, but gets so frustrated when they slip off. Here she is pushing her lawn mower around the kitchen in Mommy's shoes.