Ava had her doctor's appointment on Thursday and had her chicken pox vaccination. I was nervous, but it wasn't bad at all. She barely flinched. I did pretty good too! She weighs 20 lbs exactly and is 30 1/2 inches long. The doctor said she looks great, he also noticed that she was an "active" baby...no kidding!! He said he could see a little mischief in her eyes--Mark says she gets it from me!
Some things about Ava at 1 year old:
- Words she can say: mama, dada, uh-oh, hot, hi
- Favorite foods: strawberries, turkey, cantaloupe, mommy's spaghetti (read previous post)
- Favorite toys: yellow giraffe, Elmo, push lawn-mower, Pretty Princess trike
- Best friends: Kaycee, Hannah, McKenna, Spencer, Nora
- Just started: blowing kisses, whispering
- Does all the time: says hi to strangers (we'll have to work on that) and dances!!...to any and every kind of music
- Loves to: swing with Opa, pet Lucy, walk with anyone that will hold her hands